Ten months ago, Romanian-American University (RAU) organized in collaboration with the Romanian Distribution Committee (CRD) and the Romanian Association for Consumers’ Protection (APC Romania) a remarkable Roundtable: “Consumer protection and the pressure of economic and societal changes: the digital revolution; the sustainable consumption; the social exclusion, the vulnerable consumers and the accessibility.” At the opening of the debate, within the context of the above mentioned Roundtable, RAU Rector, Professor Ovidiu Folcut (an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee) approached a challenging topic: “Improving consumer education, information, and culture, while addressing deficits in consumer awareness and skills.”
Thursday 25 February, 2015, APC Romania marked its 25th anniversary with a special event that took place at the InterContinental Hotel in Bucharest. On this occasion, participants shared ideas about the history and the future of Consumer Protection in Romania, and the significant past, present and future contribution of APC Romania within this context of being constantly involved in the reference domains, and constantly proving its constant concern for “ongoing quality improvement” of its activities.
APC Romania was recognized in 2005, by the Romanian Government, as a public utility organization and as an important actor in the social dialogue. APC Romania is a member of BEUC (Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs), and is also playing an active role in: Consumers International (CI, the world federation of consumer groups), the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG, the European Commission’s main forum to consult national and European consumer organizations). President of APC Romania is Associate Professor Costel Stanciu (APC Romania is a Founding Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee, and Dr. Costel Stanciu is an Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee).
Within the context of this celebration APC Romania honored with prestigious awards distinguished participants such as: Bogdan Chiritoiu, President of the Romanian Competition Council, Marius Alexandru Dunca, Secretary of State, President of the Romanian National Authority for the Consumers Protection, Paul Nicolae Petrovan, Bucharest Municipality’s Prefect. President of APC Romania, Costel Stanciu, handed over the honor awards.
APC Romania also honored with the prestigious award the Minister of National Education, Professor Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu, and President of APC Romania, Costel Stanciu handed over the honor award to the representative of the Ministry of National Education, Gabriel Neagu participant at this anniversary event. On this occasion of its 25th anniversary APC Romania received an honor award from the Romanian Ministry of National Education. President of the Romanian Distribution Committee, Theodor Purcarea (Professor at the Romanian-American University, and Editor-in-Chief of the “Holistic Marketing Management” Journal), also received APC Romania honor award.
It is also worth to mention that Professors Léon F. Wegnez (Secretary General of AIDA Brussels) and Bernd Hallier (President of European Retail Academy) – two distinguished Members of the Editorial Board of the “Holistic Marketing Management” Journal – sent congratulatory messages to APC Romania.