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2nd Announcement: Academic Partnership 2016 SCM4ECR Conference, 28-29 October

We are pleased to inform you about the progress in the organization of the Academic Partnership 2016 SCM4ECR Conference by the SCM-ECR Laboratory – The Faculty of Economic Sciences from Valahia University of Târgovişte in collaboration with Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland), Romanian Logistics Association – ARILOG, University Politehnica of Bucharest (Faculty of Transports), Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Faculty of Marketing & Faculty of Business and Tourism), and Romanian-American University (Faculty of Management-Marketing).

Academics, researchers, consultants and practitioners are invited to participate at the on line/live conference (organized at International  Conference Center of Valahia University of Tȃrgovişte):   Future Value Chain – Rethinking Networks through Omni-Channel for Consumer. New challenges of IoT in Supply Chain Management, 28-29 October, 2016.

Topics of interests in Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response include, but are not limited to, the following issues:

  1. Customer-Driven Supply Chain.
  2. Demand Chain Management Empowered by Consumer Engagement.
  3. Future Value Chain – Rethinking Networks through Omni-Channel for Consumer.
  4. Supply Chain Security Management and Business Continuity Management.
  5. IoT and Supply Chain Management.

We are waiting for your abstracts, in English, until 15 September 2016 (sending  the abstract sooner will give as an organizational advantage), and the article can be sent until the conference. The Power Point presentation (.ppt) will be in English, will have approximately 20-25 slides, and  will  last  25 minutes presented on site or live/at distance, followed by 5 minutes of  discussions.

The abstracts may have a maximum of 300 words (minimum 100 words), accompanied by 5-8 key words and will have the form described in the attached template.

More information about the form of the article will be sent after the acceptance of the abstract.


Conference Proceedings

The participation fee for the SCM 4 ECR Conference is 250 Ron – direct participants on conference (for paper publication in Proceedings and lunch) or, 150 Ron – distance participants (for paper publication in Proceedings). The proof        of payment   (scanned and attached) must be sent with the ppt presentation until 15 October at The fee can be payee into the account of, RO07RNCB0128141457270001 (BANCA  COMERCIALA ROMANA), beneficiary ASOCIATIA AVES, CF 33183320 mentioning “for SCM 4 ECR Conference”.

We expect from you scientific papers, but oriented toward best managerial practices. In the second day of the Conference will also be hold a section dedicated to Ph.D. students and master students (Master and Doctoral Workshop). Under the guidance of an academic, they can propose articles, and the best of them will be rewarded.


The papers will be published in the Valahian Journal of Economic Studies (BDI) (; Copernicus, RePeC, DOAJ, Cabell, EBSCO & ProQuest Data Base), as the Proceeding of the Conference (150 Ron). The best papers, in an extended form, will be published in Supply Chain  Management Journal (; Copernicus Data Base, DOAJ, the single Romanian magazine in SCM). All the presentations will be posted on the website


Location: Valahia University of Târgovişte CAMPUS, 13 Aleea Sinaia Street, 130004, Târgovişte


All information for direct/live transmission/participation will be transmitted in time.




Prof. Dr. Virgil Popa: 0721/219320

& I u l i a n a B u c u r
