A significant message of Professor Bijan Saadatmand, James Madison University, on the occasion of the Commencement of the 2013 academic year at his beloved Romanian-American University
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The 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Marketing, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, brought together Academics and Marketers to explore the latest Challenges
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An impressive book launched on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Professor Constantin ROŞCA, Executive Director of AFER, and President of SSMAR

October this year marked the 80th Anniversary of Professor Constantin ROŞCA, Executive Director of the Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania (AFER), and President of the Romanian Scientific Society of Management (SSMAR). This impressive Book – entitled “Constantin ROŞCA – 80” (“Orizonturi universitare” Publishing House, Timişoara, 2013) was the result of the traditional collaboration between AFER and SSMAR, under the coordination of Professor Ioan Talpoş, President of AFER.

Professor Constantin Rosca is the living expression of the acknowledgment of the fact that the secret of education consists in respecting the one who receives the education. He allowed everyone to freely express themselves (in response to each one’s rights) but in order (as respect of everyone’s rights ). He always knew what he wants: to build for the others, respecting their rights to be different, respecting their personality and knowing to listen to everyone, conveying a true, friendly professional bond through respect. He has constantly advocated for a strategic approach that would guarantee the ensuring of the balance based on fundamental values and principles, encouraging a constant dialogue between all actors involved and a climate based on trust and respect, in an environment favoring collective mutual commitment and mutual respect between all actors of the higher education community and between them and external partners.