The Romanian-American University impressive Opening ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year took place on Friday, September 30, 2022
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Fruitful discussion between RAU Rector Costel Negricea and Professor John Stanton, Chairman & Professor of Food Marketing, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, U.S.
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Business & Academic Partnership 2022, The 13th Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response Conference, SCM 4 ECR

Business & Academic Partnership 2022, the 13th Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response (virtual) Conference, SCM 4 ECR, took place on 13-14 October 2022, in the historic city of Târgovişte – with the theme “Data Management of Digital Supply Chain in the Whirlwind of Disruptions. Adapting Shoppers to these (Ab) Normal Times”. The Conference was chaired by Professor Virgil POPA Ph.D., Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania, and co-hosted by Ruediger HAGEDORN, End-to-End (E2E) Value Chain Director, The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), Paris (the Global Network Serving Shopper & Consumer Needs), in collaboration with the traditional Supporting Organizations. The event organizer was the Faculty of Economic Sciences from Valahia University of Târgovişte, and special partner The Consumer Goods Forum – E2E Value Chain.

Professor Costel NEGRICEA, PhD, Habil, Rector of the Romanian-American University, Honorary Member of the Board and Honorary Member of the Romanian Distribution Committee (Board of Directors – Comitetul Roman al Distributiei) and Professor Mircea DUICĂ PhD, Habil,  Vice-Rector of Valahia University of Târgovişte, Co-Chaired the Conference, together with: Dr. Gerd WOLFRAM, CEO and Owner IoT Innovation & Consult, Partner Digital  Connection (Cologne Area, Germany), The Founder RFID Implementation METRO Group, Head of the METRO Group Future Store Initiative, Author; Professor Michael BOURLAKIS, Ph.D., Director of Research for Cranfield School of Management, Group Head (Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management) and Director of Centre for Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Cranfield University; Col. Prof. Tomasz JAŁOWIEC, Ph.D., War Studies University, Poland; Assoc. Prof. Gökhan KIRBAÇ, Ph. D., Head of the Air Logistics Department, Istanbul Kültür University, Turkey; Assoc. Prof. Ed LINDOO, Ph. D., Regis University, Denver, Colorado, USA, and other distinguished Professors.

The Conference Host & Organizer Chairman Virgil POPA, the Conference Business Co-Chairman Ruediger HAGEDORN, and the Conference Academic Co-Chairman Theodor PURCĂREA delivered welcome addresses. Conference Presenter was Dr. Alina TĂBÎRCĂ.

As always: the globally recognized Keynote Speaker Ruediger Hagedorn kept the listeners engaged (please see the pictures below, which describe what happened on the first day of the conference, where Romanian-American University’s representatives participated, including the interesting visit to ARCTIC Company – Robotics, AI applications etc.); the well-known passion, competence and perseverance of Professor Virgil POPA, Conference Founder and Chairman – the builder of this reputed brand, Supply Chain Management (SCM) for Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Conference – and Founder & Editor-in-Chief of the Supply Chain Management Journal, Valahia University of Târgoviște, were reconfirmed again on this new special occasion; the valuable presentations and lively discussions reconfirmed why this remarkable Business & Academic Partnership remains the best opportunity to creatively think and make connections, share information, providing feedback, encouraging a strong shared sense of purpose.

It is also worth mentioning within this context that we had a great discussion during the visit to ARCTIC Company with the Washing Machine Factory Director, Mr. Ümit Gülbay, who demonstrated a good understanding of how an opportunity for exchange of ideas can increase the dimensions of everyone who takes part in it, knowing that innovation in a company is driven by customers’ need and improved experience (as well as other significant elements), and the last but not the least business sustainable growth.