Four years ago, Professor Ion Smedescu, a true Holistic Marketing Manager, Founding Rector of the Romanian-American University, chose the 5th of October, to step on the path of eternity. Professor Ion Smedescu was constantly pleading for opening the eyes for truth, the good and the beautiful in an effort to shape minds and characters, the education of intelligence being connected to finding the truth and intelligence being strongly related to moral education. He used to state that he learned from his Great Teachers that there is always the need for moderation (as a rational attitude towards pleasure), courage (as a rational attitude towards pain), justice (as respect towards the man) and the feeling of justice, of lawfulness, education meaning first of all respect.

In Professor Ion Smedescu’s opinion, the number one priority has always represented the student-centred issue. Professor Ion Smedescu widely opened up the gates of knowledge management and innovation, always doing what he thought best and without experiencing any fear, his intuition giving birth to the Romanian – American University, a great service provided to the future generations. Professor Ion Smedescu lived with intensity, making a constant and coherent effort to transpose in the academic landscape powerful ideas specific to the „cultural architect” that is his beloved „Marketing”, advocating „intelligent growth”. And as well all know Professor Ion Smedescua true Holistic Marketing Manager who proved the right understanding of the interaction between the managerial culture, the university culture and the surrounding culture, bringing together marketer and customer into a lasting marketing relationship while considering the importance of the quality of team relations, as well as the quality of the network in initiating partnerships – did set himself as a standard, bringing all University staff, Students and Partners renewed trust, hope and inspiration, year by year.