O paralelă firească: cultura organizaţională atât a AFER, cât şi a Universităţii Româno-Americane, membru marcant al AFER
ianuarie 16, 2016
European Retail Academy: Africa, a special focus for 2016/2017
martie 17, 2016
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International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Bologna, June 13th-14th, 2016

The Institute of Food Products Marketing was founded (by Drs. Mark Lang and John Stanton) to host conferences around the world in order to provide a dedicated, regular forum where academic food marketers can meet to present their research in various stages of development (from working papers to completed papers) to advance the discipline of academic food marketing. The Institute of Food Products Marketing conferences welcome multidisciplinary research from quantitative and qualitative methodologies, consumer behavior and management perspectives, and the study of the entire food marketing process. The next conference will take place in Italy, June 13th-14th, 2016, at the University of Bologna. Due to a significant response in 2015, this two day research symposium will again host a PhD student workshop for students to collaborate with senior faculty on best practices in producing quality research for academic journals.

Allow us to take this opportunity to remember that Professor John L. Stanton has been a special invitee of the Romanian American University. RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut and Professor Dumitru Miron, President of the Romanian-American Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture continued to have fruitful exchanges of ideas with Professor John L. Stanton (founding editor of the „Journal of Food Products Marketing”, USA, and an editorial advisor of the British Food Journal), who held positions in different companies’ boards, and was expert and expert witness to many food and beverage companies, being regularly quoted in the news media including CNN, the Today Show and NBC Nightly News, and also in Forbes, Fortune, Advertising Age, Brand Week, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many others (he also hosted an episode of the History Channel’s Modern Marvels entitled, “The History of the Supermarket”).

This right kind of meetings remembered us that the RAU Founding Rector Ion Smedescu was constantly pleading for the quality of the network in initiating partnerships, and for transposing in the academic landscape powerful ideas specific to the „cultural architect” that is his beloved „Marketing”. Professor Ion Smedescu proved to be a true Holistic Marketing Manager, choosing the adequate design in the RAU context of the interaction between the managerial culture, the workplace culture and the surrounding culture, prioritizing the student-centered issue and widely opening up the gates of knowledge management and innovation. It is our honor and pleasure to also remember within this context the “Invitation” signed ten years ago by Professor Ion Smedescu to the Professor James K. McCollum (University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA; an outstanding promoter of international educational cooperation) book launching.