Dezbatere HMM Journal & RDC Magazine: Microeconomie, Macroeconomie, Constrângeri şi oportunităţi economice
mai 10, 2022
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mai 28, 2022
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RAU Rector Costel Negricea took part in a significant DHC Ceremony at the “Carol Davila” UMF University

RAU Rector Costel Negricea took part in a significant DHC Ceremony at the “Carol Davila” UMF University

The prestigious “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest (UMF), supervised by its distinguished Rector Viorel Jinga ( ), has conferred the highest academic honour, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC), to the reputed Prof. Dr. Eng. Gigel Paraschiv, Secretary of State – Higher Education.

The Rector of the Romanian-American University (RAU), Prof. Dr. Costel Negricea, took part on May 6, 2022 in this significant DHC Ceremony hosted by the beautiful and historical Council Hall of the Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest ( ). It was a remarkable event that attested the value of experiencing a good lesson by an academic community looking for solutions and inspiration while promoting the further advancement.