Romanian-American University (RAU) proved once again to be an excellent choice for the works of AFER (Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania) productive and participative meeting. RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut was the traditional great master of ceremonies, ensuring the right tone according to the objective of the important academic event. Professor Ovidiu Folcut, internationally recognized for “the diligent dedications that he always brings forth for Romanian-American University”, was one of the coordinators of the Anniversary Volume launched by AFER: “Pages from the Romanian Economic Higher Education History, 1843-2013”.
According to Professor Constantin ROSCA (the living expression of the acknowledgment of the fact that the secret of education consists in respecting the one who receives the education), AFER Executive Director, who knows the secret to preparing for such a challenging academic meeting (by traditionally good working in collaboration with RAU), collaborative leaders allow solutions to develop from the best ideas, and that is why it’s always a pleasure coming here in this well organized beautiful place (RAU), really a place to come back and to enjoy working collaboratively. Because AFER is a powerful forum for discussion of specific problems, identifying best practices in Education and Research Universities dedicated to promoting national and international reference standards for higher economic education in Romania.
On the occasion of the works of this AFER General Assembly hosted by the beautiful RAU Aula Magna, it has been celebrated the 95th anniversary of the birth of Academician Nicolae N. Constantinescu (“NN”). Professor Constantin Popescu, the author of the commemorative book “The life and work of the Academician Nicolae N. Constantinescu (1920-2000). 95 years since the birth” (ASE Publishing House), brought again to our attention (with a consistent and emotional approach) the invaluable contribution of the Academician Nicolae N. Constantinescu. Professor Ileana Constantinescu (the Academician’s daughter), received an AFER Distinction and the AFER Anniversary Volume handed by Professor Ioan TALPOS, President of AFER.
Theodor Purcarea, Professor at the Romanian-American University, Editorial Advisor of the AFER Anniversary Volume (“Pages from the Romanian Economic Higher Education History, 1843-2013”), and former student of Professors Ileana Constantinescu, Constantin Popescu and Dumitru Patriche, grabbed the audience’s attention by remembering what he wrote in the AFER Anniversary Volume: “14 years ago, as a member of the team that prepared the paper “Istoria Economiei Naţionale” (History of National Economy) (vol. II) , I had the pleasure of meeting again the professionalism, generosity and pedagogical skill of Academician N. N. Constantinescu. In 2011 I felt again this joy thanks to Professor Niţă Dobrotă, having the honor to work with him when preparing the paper “Mari economişti europeni” (“Great European Economists”), paper indexed both in HOLLIS Classic catalogue of the Harvard University library, no. 013221078, and Chicago University library,no. 8838201). Professor Niţă Dobrotă reminded us in this volume about the “total and disinterested attachment towards Romanian economic education” of Academician N. N. Constantinescu, who was considered, among others, all meaningful, “fearless fighter in the trenches of transition against imposture, incompetence, and irresponsibility”. 20 years have passed since the reception Speech – the ecological principle in economic science – delivered at the Romanian Academy by the person who showed that the environmental ecologist will fight against both narrow economics and abusive ecology.”
Professor Dumitru Patriche received AFER Lifetime Achievement Award, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, and at the proposal of the Romanian-American University, the Laudatio being presented by Professor Theodor Purcarea. Professor Dumitru Patriche was always that special person inspiring us to give our best in discovering knowledge and innovation, in order to become what we potentially are on the continuous way of shaping our personality. And all this as a continual extension of his powerful personality while guiding us in creating our way by our walking, by stimulating critical and creative thinking, the ability to find, to access, evaluate and use information in order to solve complex problems faced by entrepreneurs, and – in the opinion of RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut who showed warmth and deep respect towards our distinguished Professor Dumitru Patriche – by helping to create expertise in managing the development of the knowledge society, building interactions between scientists and entrepreneurs, by propelling scientific and economic progress, by pledging for exiting from the current crisis through education and training, and by adequately organizing the transformation process in step with the times.
AFER also awarded, within this context, various distinctions recognizing specific achievements (based on the evaluation forms, in accordance with the criteria for the award category).