At the beginning of this year the European Retail Academy (ERA) made comments on three academic journals, including on our journal.
It is worth mentioning that: the President of ERA, Prof. Dr. Bernd Hallier, is a member of the Editorial Board of the Holistic Marketing Management Journal; the agenda of the last productive meeting between Professor Ovidiu Folcuţ, Rector of the Romanian-American University (RAU) and Professor Bernd Hallier included significant items of discussion, such as: the international transfer of know-how between business and universities, bringing more transparency on retail-research and retail-education; the actual need of anticipating skill needs in the commerce sector, taking into account the attention to be paid to the evaluation of philosophies offered by the steady upgrade of retail-technologies; the developing cooperation between Germany and Eastern markets.
In December 2016 ERA has officially announced that the Personality of 2017 of the Hall of Fame of the European Retail Academy is Mr. Philip Alexander Nobel. It is well-known that Dr. Philip Alexander Nobel was the Chairman of House of Nobel and President of Nobel International Fraternity Academy. Like his great-grandfather, Mr. Philip Alexander Nobel demonstrated an enormous passion for the development of both educational and social fields.
ERA was founded in February 2005 at the exhibition EuroShop by Prof. Dr. Bernd Hallier and some of his academic friends to support the Bologna-process and the interaction between theory and application in the field. Today has links to more than 225 research-institutes for trade/marketing/ tourism all over the world. The ERA Hall of Fame selects each year one professor who stands for outstanding contributions within the international interaction of research and applied sciences. Allow us to remember the distinguished personalities who have been honored by ERA in the last five years: John L. Stanton, Léon F. Wegnez, Romano Prodi, Klaus Toepfer, Robert Aumann.