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We hope that we will succeed to keep open the communication channel and to interact so as to set the right tone, stimulating and encouraging creativeness and the applied creativity – innovation, re-innovating constantly.
Over 56 Issues
Publishing Since 2011

Eight years ago, in the last issue of 2014
Volume 4 Issue 4
Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA - Editorial: What We Want Readers to Remember from this HMM Reading Experience
Theodor PURCĂREA - A Review of the Different Marketing Opinions on Marketers’ Maturity and Challenges in the Second Half of 2014.
Costel Iliuță NEGRICEA, Ioan Matei PURCĂREA - Digital Marketing and a Better Understanding of the Consumer Mobile Journey
Léon F. WEGNEZ - The 14th International Conference of Urbanicom: “Commerce and the City”.
Theodor PURCĂREA - Professional Readers Challenged Again by Prof. Dr. Bernd HALLIER with “Food Waste Management”
John STANTON & Mark LANG - Doctoral Dissertation Award: The Institute Of Food Products Marketing
Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA - The Latest Issue of our Partner Journal, „Marketing Science and Inspirations”, Comenius University in Bratislava, S
Theodor PURCĂREA - The Venerable Professor BENIAMIN COTIGARU passed away