The Romanian-American University’s Senate Hall hosted on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, the celebration of the 26th Anniversary of RAU. President of Senate, Professor Ana-Maria Preda, delivered opening remarks (reconfirming RAU strong commitment and dedication to continuously providing a quality education, and congratulating RAU Academic Family), and gave the floor to the RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcuţ (who reconfirmed the progress achieved by continuously working to ensure the RAU higher education as transformative experience, right approaching the challenges of internationalization, and capitalising on the latest educational techniques, cooperating with the actors on the labour market while considering scientific, technological, and social and economic evolutions).
Other distinguished Professors shared their thoughts and ideas on this special occasion: Moisă Altăr, Ioan Ursachi, David Berkowitz (Dean, Graduate School, Marketing Department, University of Alabama in Huntswille, USA), Ion Bulborea, Theodor Purcărea.
It is well-known that RAU always respected its past, enhanced its capabilities, challenged its priorities, learned to adapt and effectively address changes, understood broader trends outside, stimulated innovation, and managed to create RAU value and enduring through time with patience, and moving on.