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Congratulatory Remarks: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of RAU

Congratulatory Remarks by Cosmin Tănase-Gheorghiu

2007 Management-Marketing School Valedictorian, Romanian-American University


Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Romanian-American University elicits a storehouse of wonderful memories, heightens my appreciation for the work of professors, students and the entire academic community, evoking many thoughts about the past, the present and the future.

My experience at the Romanian-American University is bound up inextricably with the intellectual pursuits that I have followed. There are important, but more elusive, qualities of this University – a unique place – that are more difficult to put into words. I believe that the character of its special academic prestige was distinctively shaped by the expectation that each and every one of us will bring our full share of curiosity, analysis, passion, and intellectual brilliance to bear on our lifelong search for new insights and interpretations.

To me, it is the fulfilling notion that the Romanian-American University could achieve at once, namely teach students to explore new intellectual horizons, and at the same time, create class after class of devoted alumni who see positive action in the real world as their highest achievement.

It has been a great honor and privilege for me to participate with my professors and colleagues in the never-ending task of building an academic community of distinction. Through our efforts, generation by generation, a 25-year enterprise has not only endured but flourished and I am glad to be a part of this achievement.

For all these reasons, the Romanian-American University will always have a special place in my heart and memory.