Romanian-American University (RAU) marked the opening ceremony of the academic year 2021-2022 on Friday, October 1, 2021. RAU Rector Costel NEGRICEA has delivered opening remarks, by warmly welcoming participants to the online opening ceremonies and highlighting the significantly important place of these ceremonies in students’ lives and how RAU is making a difference in students’ lives by continuously better understanding students’ rising needs and expectations in academic quality, employability (considering the new skills defining today’s work) and the facilities offered to them, and by agilely adapting to the international and national structural changes caused by COVID-19 pandemic and to the accelerated digital transformation caused by the digital technology. RAU Rector Costel NEGRICEA has also underlined the opportunities for RAU students within the context of RAU advancement on the path to the next normal while going from innovation to demonstration to building the necessary pillars accordingly.
President of RAU Senate, Professor Ovidiu FOLCUŢ, underlined RAU increasing experience in meeting expectations and standards, and President of the “Romanian-American Foundation for Promoting Education and Culture” (FRAPEC), Professor Dumitru MIRON, highlighted FRAPEC’s continuous preoccupation for a high-quality education, also remembering their piously thinking to some of the RAU Founders, with due respect, to those alive, thanking them for making things happen.
RAU Rector Costel NEGRICEA also invited the audience to listen to the messages addressed to RAU academic community on this special occasion of the beginning of the new academic year 2021-2022 by distinguished guests – such as: Mr. David MUNIZ, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy, Romania; His Excellency Mr. KIM Yong Ho, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Romania; His Excellency Mr. Hiroshi UEDA, the Ambassador of Japan to Romania; Mr. Leonard ORBAN, Presidential Advisor; Mrs. Andreia STANCIU, Head of ACCA South-Eastern Europe; Mrs. Gilda LAZĂR, Head of Corporate Affairs & Communications, JTI Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria; Professor Ovidiu PREDESCU, Secretary General of the Romanian Academy of Legal Sciences and Founding Director of Law Publications; Professor Filipe CARRERA, University of Lisbon; Professor Kim-Shyan FAM, Queenstown, South Island, New Zeeland; Professor Rodney DUFFET, Cape Peninsula University of Technology: CPUT, South Africa; Professor Seyed MEHDIAN, Michigan-Flint University, USA; Professor Stephen BOWERS, Liberty University, USA – and the last but not least Students, Alumni and Parents.
It is also worth mentioning that the RAU School of Management-Marketing (MM) also marked the opening of the academic year on October 1, 2021, in the presence of the whole MM family, and distinguished guests such as RAU Rector Costel NEGRICEA and Members of the Advisory Board of the RAU School of Management-Marketing. The MM opening ceremony was open and moderated by the Dean Alexandru IONESCU and closed by the Vice-Dean Oana PREDA.