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POI “Certified Collaborative Marketer” Educational Program Offered in Partnership with John L. Stanton at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia: Beginning in June 4, 2014

Promotion Optimization Institute (POI)

The “Certified Collaborative Marketer” educational program (16 week program specifically designed to develop the skills of current and future leaders in food and consumer packaged goods – CPG industries) offered by the Promotion Optimization Institute (POI: http://poinstitute.com/about.html), in partnership with Dr. John L. Stanton at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, will teach the participants: the techniques, tools and approach for analysing and building effective TPM-TPO marketing, promotions, sales and merchandising strategies to propel their organization and their career forward; how to discover exceptional opportunities for broadening their perspective, collaborating with a group of retailer and manufacturer peers and analysing the TPM and TPO activities in a company; how to attain lasting satisfaction from creating the improved strategies, and approach for analysing and building cost effective marketing, promotions, sales and merchandising, which participants will implement them into their job and for their company. According to POI announcement (http://poinstitute.com/component/content/article.html?id=88), achieving the “Certified Collaborative Marketer” allows participants to gain essential skills (Planning; Executing; Analysis; Evaluating Shopper Insights; Leadership Decision Support) sought after by successful CPG/Retail executive team leaders and their hiring departments. Participants learn through group projects and simulations with other executives from leading companies, and CCM program concludes with a leadership simulation exercise and an interactive session on the POI collaborative approach to management, in which participants develop a strategy map for an organization in order to integrate the key take-aways from throughout the CCM program. It is also worth highlighting that the Curriculum covered over the CCM course include: Category Management; Data, Insights & Analytical Concepts; Trade Marketing; Planning & Forecasting; Modeling – Predictive Analytics; Collaborative Culture and Strategies; Business Applications; Modeling – Optimization; Pricing Methodology; Shopper Marketing/ Consumer Insights; Social Media and Mobile Marketing (Registration is $4,995.00 per candidate; group discounts will apply, plus prorated for qualified subject exemptions).

It is well-known that the Promotion Optimization Institute, LLC (POI) brings together manufacturers, retailers, solution providers, analysts, academics and other industry leaders. An effective strategic counsel from the industry and competitive perspective on various topics of the specific expertise is provided by a successful POI Certified Collaborative Marketer (CCM)™ Education Advisory Board (http://poinstitute.com/certification/edu-advisory.html) composed of distinguished specialists such as: Chris Boever, EVP, Chief Customer Officer Pinnacle Foods; Pam Brown, Director, Trade Promotion Management, Del Monte Foods; Michael Bruening, Vice President, Nielsen; Tom Burkemper, Sr. Director of Merchandising, 7-Eleven Stores; Rick Epstein, Vice President Pricing and Trade Strategy, Georgia Pacific; Brian Eustace, Director of Sales Operations, Popcorn, Indiana; Michael Gamage, Director, Price and Promotion, Starbucks; Dale Hagemeyer, Managing Vice President, Gartner, Inc.; Matthew Heinze, Director, Sales Intelligence, Del Monte Foods; Michael Kantor, Chief Executive Officer, Promotion Optimization Institute, LLC; Ronald K. Klimberg, PhD Professor, Decision and System Sciences, Saint Joseph’s University; Kevin Kroymann, National Manager, Trade Marketing, Hormel Foods; Randy Mangum, Senior Director of Pricing, Winn-Dixie Stores; Scott McCulloch, Sr. Director of Merchandising/Category Management, Duane Reade; Dale Neely, VP, Customer Operations, SEQUOYA; Mike Nothofer, Associate Director Strategic Pricing, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products; Lisa Overman, Director of Marketing & Advertising, Delhaize America – Harveys & Reid’s Supermarkets; Elaine Oussoren, President, Brand Aid Digital; Gary Singer, Partner, Accenture; Dr. John L. Stanton, Dept. Chair and Professor, Saint Joseph’s University – Dept. of Food Marketing; Ken Sullivan, Senior Vice President, CMS Consulting; Joseph Tallarico, Global Director, Unilever; Jon Vasatka, Director of Sales Operations – Retail Division, Continental Mills; Win Weber, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Winston Weber & Associates (WWA)

Allow us to take this opportunity to remember that Professor John L. Stanton has been a special invitee of the Romanian American University in May 2011. Professor Stanton, a well-known food marketing practitioner (John and his wife, Carol, believe in the power of education: http://www.sju.edu/news-events/news/faculty-member-endows-scholarship ;Professor Stanton was also a Special Guest of SANABUNA International Congress, in October 2011: http://www.crd-aida.ro/activitiespartnership/sanabuna-2011/ ), is founding editor and Editor-in-Chief of the „Journal of Food Products Marketing”, Editor-in-Chief of the “Journal of International Food and Agribusiness”, and an editorial advisor of the British Food Journal. He held positions in different companies’ boards, and was expert and expert witness to many food and beverage companies, being regularly quoted in the news media including CNN, the Today Show and NBC Nightly News, and also in Forbes, Fortune, Advertising Age, Brand Week, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many others. He also hosted an episode of the History Channel’s Modern Marvels entitled, “The History of the Supermarket.” On May 11, 2011, Professor Ovidiu Folcuț, Rector of the Romanian American University (RAU) has awarded Professor John L. Stanton the  Diploma of „Special Academic Merit”, in the presence of the Dean of School of Management-Marketing, Alexandru Ionescu, and of the members of Management-Marketing Department. At the end of the „Strategic Marketing” course delivered by Professor Stanton to the RAU students between May 9, 2011 and May 13, 2011, RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcuț and Professor John L. Stanton made photos with the participants.

RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut and Professor John L. Stanton

RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut and Professor John L. Stanton

Professsor John L. Stanton and RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut. Behind Professor Stanton can be seen the „Marketing” book, english version, of the late RAU President and Founder Ion Smedescu

Professsor John L. Stanton and RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut. Behind Professor Stanton can be seen the „Marketing” book, english version, of the late RAU President and Founder Ion Smedescu

Dean Alexandru Ionescu, Professor John L. Stanton, and RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut

Dean Alexandru Ionescu, Professor John L. Stanton, and RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut

(From right to left) RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut, Professor John L. Stanton, Mrs. Carol Stanton, Dean Alexandru Ionescu, and Professor Theodor Purcarea

(From right to left) RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut, Professor John L. Stanton, Mrs. Carol Stanton, Dean Alexandru Ionescu, and Professor Theodor Purcarea

Group Photo with RAU Guests on the occasion of the Diploma Award Ceremony

Group Photo with RAU Guests on the occasion of the Diploma Award Ceremony

RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut and Professor John L. Stanton together with the RAU Students participants at the Strategic Marketing cours, May 2011

RAU Rector Ovidiu Folcut and Professor John L. Stanton together with the RAU Students participants at the Strategic Marketing cours, May 2011

Stanton on Food Marketing

Stanton on Food Marketing

Precision Target Marketing, John L. Stanton, Mark F. Lang, Book Cover

Precision Target Marketing, John L. Stanton, Mark F. Lang, Book Cover

Winning Marketing Strategy. The Rules, Richard G. George, John L. Stanton, Book Cover

Winning Marketing Strategy. The Rules, Richard G. George, John L. Stanton, Book Cover