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Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Victor Ponta, has attended the launch of a significant project

On October 15, 2014, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania took place the launch event of a significant project: The analysis of the impact of existing regulations on a competitive environment in key sectors of the Romanian economy – A partnership among the OECD, the Romanian Government and the Romanian Competition Council”.

The special event benefited from the participation of Mr. Victor Ponta, Prime-Minister of Romania and Mr. William Danvers, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD. Mr. William Danvers (who holds a BA in history from Michigan State University Honors College and an MA in special studies from George Washington University) came to the OECD (He took up his duties on September 2, 2013) from his post as Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Secretary of State. Before joining the State Department he was the Staff Director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after serving in the Obama Administration from 2009 to 2011. Mr. William Danvers also held the posts of Senior Director at the National Security Council and Special Assistant for National Security Affairs during the Clinton Administration and was head of the OECD Centre in Washington in the late 1990s. Mr. William Danvers was an adjunct professor at the Elliot School at George Washington University.

It is worth to remember, within this context, that on April 8, 2014 the Romanian Competition Council launched the OECD Report entitled “Peer-Review of competition law and policy in Romania”, the event being attended by the Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Victor Ponta (https://holisticmarketingmanagement.ro/the-romanian-competition-council-launched-on-april-8-2014-both-the-2013-annual-activity-report-and-oecd-report/).