Indeed “This is an exciting time for those involved in the field of antitrust…” as Theodor Voorhees, American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, highlighted in “Foreword”, Section 1: Introduction , “The Antitrust Review of the Americas 2013”, (, by quoting one of the world’s most highly respected antitrust scholars, Professor Herbert Hovenkamp (author of “The Antitrust Enterprise: Principle and Execution,” Harvard University Press, March 31, 2008). And right now the Romanian Competition Council made the inspired and inspiring decision of launching, on May 31, 2013, the first issue of the Romanian Competition Journal ( .
We are glad to know that the editing process of the first issue of the „Romanian Competition Journal” ( ) is done by the Competition Council in partnership with the Center for Studies in Competition Law (The Faculty of Law within the University of Bucharest), Bucharest University of Economic Studies and European Studies Center (International Relations and European Integration Department within the National School of Political and Administrative Studies). The Romanian Competition Council informed all those interested in such a valuable resource in the field of competition law and policy that the mission of this new Journal is to become, on one hand, the successor and integrating factor of previous publications edited by the Competition Council („Profile Competition” and „Competition – studies, researches and analysis regarding economic competition”), and, on the other hand, to reach the scientific level of indexing in international academic data bases (IDB/ISI-Thomson Web of Science).
We are also pleased to make known that the structure of the first issue includes both senior authors contributions (such us Valentin Mircea and Tatiana Moşteanu), acknowledged at institutional, academic level, and young competition inspectors, PhD students or researchers in Romanian universities. The Journal includes a section dedicated to student articles and essays, selected as a result of internal scientific competitions from partner academic structures.
The Editorial Board (Florin Andrei; George Angliţoiu; Daniel Stan) is launching Professionals in the field the invitation to contribute to asserting the prestige of this Journal with the aim to define and consolidate the identity of the Romanian Competition School at international level. The selection of articles will be done through a peer-review process carried out by the Journals’ Scientific Council (Adriana Almăşan – University of Bucharest; Mihai Berinde – University of Oradea; Bogdan Chiriţoiu – University of Bucharest; Sorin David – University of Bucharest; Daniel Dăianu – The National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, SNSPA; Dalina Dumitrescu – Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Ioannis Kokkoris – University of Reading; Ioannis Lianos – University College London; Gheorghe Oprescu – University Politehnica of Bucharest; Theodor Purcărea – Romanian-American University; Gabriela Ţigu – Bucharest University of Economic Studies; Liviu Voinea – Bucharest University of Economic Studies).