The University of Pitesti Senate’s Hall hosted Thursday, February 28, 2013, the Workshop “SSMAR Experiment – COMOR Project”, “Exploratory Research: The Managerial Behavior in Romanian Organizations” organized by the Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania (AFER), the Romanian Scientific Society of Management (SSMAR), the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti
Professor Marioara ABRUDEANU, Vice Rector for Research and Competitiveness of the University of Pitesti made a few remarks on opening the workshop and welcoming participants, within the context of higher education at the crossroads of research, education and innovation, by underlining the synergy generated by the convergence of higher education, scientific research and innovation systems.
The workshop coordinator, Professor Constantin ROŞCA – President of SSMAR, and Executive Director of AFER – took time to ensure that all participants understood the workshop’s purposes, objectives, and intended outcomes, then invited the workshop moderators (Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA – First Vice President of the Executive Board of SSMAR; Daniela PÎRVU, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti; Amalia PANDELICĂ, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti), to introduce the panelists (Constantin ROŞCA – “Methodological characteristics of the project”; Constantin ROŞCA, Mirela Sȃrbu – “Ways of manifestation of the dimensions of the project’s organizational culture”; Daniela PÎRVU, Mariana EFTIMIE, Virgil POPA – “Building the analysis team and interpreting the research results for the South Muntenia region”; Amalia PANDELICĂ, Mihaela Diaconu – “Power distance in Arges organizational culture”; Constantin ROŞCA – “The analysis and interpretation of the research results for South Muntenia region counties”), kept the listeners engaged, clearly summarized the panelists’ key findings, and opened the debate to the floor.
Discussions were lively, allowing the clarification of questions and concerns. Let us mention some qualitative contributions of participants in the debate: Professor Virgil POPA, Director ECR Department of University Valahia of Targoviste; Associate Professor Logica BĂNICĂ, Director Center of Part-Time Learning, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti; Dr. Dan BOGOI, Director Arges Branch, National Bank of Romania; Associate Professor Victoria FIRESCU, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Pitesti.
The workshop coordinator and moderators delivered final remarks, closing the AFER- SSMAR’ Workshop by offering a brief summary of the most important conclusions, findings and recommendations, and announcing SSMAR National Conference from March 7, 2013, at Romanian-American University ( ).
As we all know, AFER and SSMAR, both responsible and dynamic actors of the academic scene, confirm the importance of the quality of team relations, as well as the quality of the network in initiating partnerships, along with establishing a fluid and flexible process for planning sequential stages, of a supportive organizational culture, developing a high research potential via learning experiences based on projects and workshops conducted by excellent managers who aim high but at the same time pay a lot of attention to details.
- Workshop opening, Marioara ABRUDEANU, Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA, Constantin ROŞCA, Constantin ROŞCA, Daniela PÎRVU
- Participants in the debate, o
- Presidium1, Marioara ABRUDEANU, Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA, Constantin ROŞCA, Daniela PÎRVU
- Presidium2, Marioara ABRUDEANU, Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA, Constantin ROŞCA, Daniela PÎRVU
- Theodor Valentin PURCĂREA, Constantin ROŞCA, Daniela PÎRVU
- Constantin ROŞCA
- Virgil POPA
- Mihaela BRINZEA
- Participants in the debate, 3
- Participants in the debate, 4
- Participants in the Workshop debate