Ordinary working session of the Senate of the Romanian Scientific Society of Management (SSMAR), opened by Professor Constantin Roşca, President of SSMAR, confirmed the increased proactive attitude of SSMAR members, being a true expression of an increasingly recognized organizational dynamics (culture, politics, reputation) both at national and international level. The interventions of Professors Ioan Talpos, First Vice President of Permanent Bureau, Petru Filip, Vice President of Permanent Bureau, and Theodor Valentin Purcărea, President of the Executive College revealed consensus on long-term planning and aligning activities to key priorities, and on developing best internal practices and processes.
The national Conference “SSMAR Experiment – COMOR Project”, “Exploratory Research: The Managerial Behavior in Romanian Organizations”” (exploratory research project aimed at identifying the managerial behavior in Romanian organizations both, at counties and development regions and at national level), confirmed the valuable schedule, the rigorous presentations within this context generating a lively debate, which allowed clarification of issues and concerns of a real interest. The findings and recommendations outlined the need to complete the experiment within the time limit, obtaining results confirming the value of the predictive method.