There is a huge chance to be inspired to learn by great Professors who shared their passion for knowledge and action and guiding us in the development and shaping of our personalities, including how to pass civilization on from one generation to the next.
Just eighteen years ago, in April 1995, a challenging book of “Management” (“Economica” Publishing House) – written by the distinguished Professors Ovidiu NICOLESCU and Ion VERBONCU – opened the “Library of Management” collection coordinated by Professor Ovidiu NICOLESCU.
It is interesting to remember that the same year, 1995, brought us two other challenging books, “Journal in transition” (“Expert” Publishing House), by the distinguished Professor Mircea COŞEA, and “International trade and contemporary commercial policies” (“All” Publishing House), coordinated by the distinguished Professor Nicolae SUTĂ.
Eight years ago, in 2005, at the Romanian-American University, TOEMM study was launched, TOEMM being a component of the Marketing student scientific research Circle of the Management-Marketing School that contributed to the continuity of a beautiful tradition (