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The benchmark event in E-Commerce and Digital Marketing by GPeC, October 30-31, 2023, Bucharest, Romania

1. Successful GPeC SUMMIT October 31, 2023 Bucharest, Romania


The benchmark event (Conference, Expo, Gala & Party) in E-Commerce, Digital Marketing, and Networking by GPeC (celebrating 18 years of GPeC with an exceptional line-up) took place on October 30-31, 2023 at BT Stup and the National Theatre Bucharest, Romania (https://www.gpec.ro/ ). Andrei Radu, CEO & Founder GPeC, reconfirmed both his well-known precision in coordinating this benchmark event, and his engaging leadership, continuing to prove the importance of team culture building and delivering great customer experiences.

As usual, GPeC conference was attended by top international speakers, personalities and industry experts. Dan Ariely (Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics, Visiting Professor AMC-UvA, Part-time Professor, Aarhus University, and reputed author: https://danariely.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Ariely_CV.pdf ), Mark Schaefer (a well-known social media marketing expert, bestselling author of popular books: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markwschaefer/ ), Martin Greif (well-known entrepreneur, speaker, and author: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martingreif/ ), and others (https://www.gpec.ro/gpec-summit-octombrie/agenda/#october-31st ) kept the audience captivated, getting participants interested, and creating an emotional connection.


2. E-Commerce, Digital Marketing and Networking at GPeC SUMMIT, October 30-31, 2023