Just a year ago we noted that there is no doubt that „competition policy history” matters, as a special kind of „path dependence” process (https://holisticmarketingmanagement.ro/the-2012-annual-activity-report-of-the-romanian-competition-council-and-the-meeting-of-the-european-competition-authorities-eca-from-the-european-union-and-efta/ ). It’s time now to salute the event of the new annual activity Report of the Romanian Competition Council.
The Romanian Competition Authority has already launched the invitation to participate in a very challenging conference discussion which will also focus on themes of interest to the business environment in Romania (http://www.consiliulconcurentei.ro/en/docs/178/9149/the-romanian-competition-council-event-the-romanian-competition-council-s-annual-activity-report-8-april-2014.html ). It is worth to mention that on this very special occasion the OECD Report entitled “Peer-Review of competition law and policy in Romania” will be launched.
1. The Romanian Competition Council launched on May 30, 2013, the “2012 Annual Activity Report”
2. Primul Raport al al Retelei Internationale a Concurenței (ICN, Neapole, Italia, Septembrie 2002)
3. Comentariul Prof. Theodor Purcarea la articolul Prof. Frederic Jenny aparut in „Financial Times”
4. Tribuna Economica, Revista de Comert, Septembrie 2003, pag. 7
5. KFTC, OECD, and UNCTAD Forum on Competition Policy, Seoul, 2002
6. Theodor Purcarea speaking at the opening ceremony of KFTC, OECD, and UNCTAD Forum on Competition Policy, Seoul, 2002
7. Interventie Theodor Purcarea in cadrul Grupului de lucru pentru Comert si Politica in domeniul Concurentei, WTO, Geneva, aprilie 2002, reflectata ca prima pozitie in Raport
8. Reproducere dupa Romanian Business Journal, July 2003
9. Aprecieri din partea CCIRMB
10. Prezentarea cartii de “Uzante diplomatice si de protocol” in Gazeta Diplomatica, Bruxelles, nr. 45, din decembrie 2004
11. Professors John L. Stanton and Theodor Purcarea at SANABUNA International Congress, 2011
12. Professors Remus Pricopie, Eliot Sorel and Theodor Purcarea at SANABUNA International Congress, 2012
13. Prezentare Carte engleza T. Purcarea & M. Ratiu in Distribution d’aujourd’hui, Bruxelles
14. ASE 100, 2013
15. AFER, ONEF 2013, Marketing
16. Theodor Purcarea, Opportunity for Romania to Integrate into the World Economic Network, 1994
17. Prof. Theodor Valentin Purcarea, Romanian-American University